White Gold International Rice Company


Proper maturation is crucial for Basmati rice to enhance its cooking characteristics and develop a robust aroma, typically achieved over a period of nine months to a year. In line with this, WGIRC adheres to a strict policy of building up rice stocks during harvest and overseeing the maturation process with expert control. Unlike relying on market purchases on an order-to-order basis, the company takes a proactive approach.

Optimal Basmati Rice Maturation

1. Maturation for Enhanced Characteristics:
  • Basmati rice attains superior cooking characteristics and a stronger aroma when matured over nine months to a year. It is imperative for the rice to undergo proper maturation before processing.
2. Strict Harvest-Time Stock Building:
  • WGIRC follows a strict policy of accumulating rice stocks during the harvest season.
  • This proactive approach ensures a sufficient quantity of rice for maturation, eliminating reliance on market purchases on an order-to-order basis.
3. Expert-Controlled Maturation Process:
  • Maturation is carried out under expert control to guarantee the optimum development of Basmati rice qualities.
  • The company maintains a hands-on approach, actively overseeing the maturation stages to meet quality standards.
4. Strategic Warehousing Locations:
  • WGIRC stores rice stocks in spacious godowns strategically located at Punjab, and Karachi, Sindh.
  • These locations are chosen for their accessibility and suitability for maintaining the necessary conditions for rice storage.
5. Well-Ventilated Godowns:
  • The warehouses are specifically designed to be well-ventilated, ensuring proper air circulation to aid in the maturation process.
  • Adequate ventilation helps prevent the development of unwanted odors and maintains the overall quality of the stored rice.
6. Hygienic Storage Conditions:
  • Godowns are constructed with hygiene in mind to meet the stringent standards required for storing Basmati rice.
  • Maintaining hygienic conditions is essential to prevent contamination and preserve the natural qualities of the rice.
7. Periodic Inspection and Fumigation:
  • Throughout the maturation period, rice stocks undergo regular inspections.
  • Periodic fumigation is conducted under expert supervision to protect against infestation by organisms that could compromise the quality of the rice.
8. Quality Assurance Measures:
  • The meticulous approach to warehousing reflects WGIRC’s commitment to quality assurance.
  • By actively managing the maturation process and employing preventive measures, the company ensures the Basmati rice maintains its premium characteristics.
Well-ventilated facilities are purposefully constructed to
maintain hygienic conditions for rice storage
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