White Gold International Rice Company

Color Sorting

Before reaching the final packaging stage, the rice undergoes a crucial color sorting process at White Gold International Rice Company (WGIRC). This meticulous process is designed to eliminate any discolored grains, ensuring that the final product exhibits uniformity in color and overall quality.

WGIRC's dedication to ensuring cleanliness and averting contamination at each stage underscores its commitment to delivering top-quality rice to consumers.

Key Features of the Color Sorting Process:

  1. Uniformity Focus:

    • The primary objective of color sorting is to achieve uniformity in every aspect of the rice grains, including color and appearance.
  2. Computer-Controlled Technology:

    • WGIRC employs computer-controlled technology for the color sorting process, with a specific emphasis on utilizing CCD (Charge-Coupled Device) technology.
  3. High-Resolution Optical Inspection:

    • CCD technology enables high-resolution optical inspection of each individual kernel. This level of precision allows for the thorough examination of color variations and abnormalities.
  4. Selective Removal of Imperfections:

    • The color sorting process is not just about removing discolored grains; it is about selectively identifying and removing grains with a high concentration of chalkiness and discoloration. This ensures that only healthy, visually appealing kernels make it to the final product.
  5. Enhanced Quality Control:

    • By incorporating advanced technology in color sorting, WGIRC enhances its quality control measures, setting a high standard for the visual consistency and overall quality of the rice.
  6. Technological Advancements:

    • The use of CCD technology represents a technological advancement in optical inspection, enabling a more detailed and accurate assessment of each kernel.

The meticulous color sorting process at WGIRC is a testament to the company’s dedication to delivering not only high-quality rice but also rice that meets stringent visual standards, ensuring customer satisfaction and confidence in the product.

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