White Gold International Rice Company

Whitening & Polishing

In the second stage at White Gold International Rice Company (WGIRC), precision is applied to remove bran layers using whitening and polishing machines, resulting in a pearl white appearance for the rice kernels. This gradual process unfolds in multiple passes, carefully designed to avoid kernel breakage, with the number of passes adjusted according to the desired level of whiteness.

WGIRC's dedication to ensuring cleanliness and averting contamination at each stage underscores its commitment to delivering top-quality rice to consumers.

  1. Bran Removal:

    • Utilization of whitening and polishing machines to systematically remove bran layers from the rice.
  2. Gradual Process:

    • The whitening and polishing process is carried out gradually in several passes to preserve the integrity of the rice kernels and prevent breakage.
  3. Degree of Whiteness:

    • The number of passes is adjusted based on the desired degree of whiteness for the rice.
  4. Mist Polishers:

    • Installation of mist polishers at WGIRC to impart an exceptionally clean and glossy appearance to the rice kernels.
  5. Distinct Advantage:

    • WGIRC’s use of mist polishers provides a distinct advantage over traditional milling methods, offering a cleaner and glossier finish.

WGIRC’s unwavering dedication to upholding cleanliness and preventing contamination at each stage underscores the company’s commitment to providing consumers with high-quality rice.

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